17 Moms Share Advice On Pregnancy For First Time Moms
The list of things to know about pregnancy for first time moms can seem overwhelming as you’re processing the fact that your body is carrying a new little life that you will meet in just a few short months. As a first time mom you might be buckling under the pressure and panicking a bit as some early symptoms set in or your belly begins to grow.
If it seems like there are a million things to talk about before having a baby and you don’t know where to start – start with these tips and advice from other moms who have been there!
When I found out I was pregnant with our first daughter it was a bit of a shock. My husband and I had only been married for about a month and while we knew it was possible, we weren’t expecting it to happen so soon! We were thrilled to be soon welcoming a child into the world but also still extremely nervous and overwhelmed by all of the change that it meant. From dealing with the changes to my health to preparing logistically with our living space, there was a long list of things to figure out! It was all new and it was certainly a bit intimidating.
If you also find yourself feeling a bit intimidated or overwhelmed as a new mom to be, you’re not alone!
In this post I’ve compiled quotes of advice, encouragement, and tips from 17 other moms who have all been in your shoes! Motherhood is an intensely hard but beautiful journey. Let these pieces of wisdom for the soon to be mommy from other moms guide you and calm your anxiety as you begin your own beautiful motherhood journey.
Tips & Advice From Moms On Having Your First Baby
“Everyone knows about postpartum depression, but we rarely speak about antepartum depression, which is just as prevalent and more dangerous. Know the difference between pregnancy hormones and emotions, and antepartum depression.”
~Tiffany at SavingTalents.com
“During my pregnancy I had acid reflux all day long. Eating prior or only certain things didn’t help. Until I tried Ginger Ale nothing helped. My tip if you do not like to take medication for your upset stomach during pregnancy, give Ginger Ale a try. It will not harm.”
~ Susanne at LilTigers.net
“Move in ways that feel good. While working out while pregnant can be great, the focus should be more on moving and less on forcing something. Your body changes so much day to day that one day something will feel good and the next it won’t. Focus on the feel good and embracing the body changes!”
~ Shelby from Fitasamamabear.com
“The reality is you can never be fully prepared for your child’s arrival to the world. But don’t spend nine months worrying about all that can go wrong. Instead, enjoy your pregnancy. Pregnancy is a special time, so don’t waste it on being stressed out. That’s not good for you or the little one’s health.”
~ Ashley from IrishTwinsMomma.com
“One thing I absolutely hated was my itchy hospital gown! I didn’t even think to pack something else to wear for photos and things like that for after birth so I got stuck with photos of me and baby in my gown. Later on I realized you could actually get super cute stuff to wear after birth (they have matching outfits for mom and baby postpartum). They’re made of nice soft fabrics and have easy open clasps/buttons for breastfeeding. Double win! Make sure you think about what you’re going to be comfortable in after giving birth.”
~ Cendu Param from CenduParam.com
“Just because there’s a bunch of checklists out there of what you need for your baby doesn’t mean you really need to buy it all. For example we never had a changing table and I would do it all over again. Instead we used a simple diaper caddy to change right where you are.”
~ Linda from AllAboutBabyBlog.com
“My biggest tip for first time moms is to spend some real time thinking about what YOU want for your birth and postpartum period. You don’t have to deliver with the OBGYN you’ve always gone to, but the sooner you decide what you want the easier it will be to make a change. Additionally, becoming a mother is about you, and that includes the postpartum period. If you don’t want visitors right away, that’s ok! Stick to your guns and trust your mama gut.”
~ Siobhan from MimosasAndMotherhood.com
“Set your expectation before baby is here. Baby sleeps for 12-18 hours but still you won’t get enough sleep in first few months. Read as much as you can about fundamental of baby sleep so you don’t get frustrated when they don’t sleep at night.”
